Event Boys Basketball Tournaments | Girls Basketball Tournaments

Groundhog Shootout February 3 (SAT) Aurora/Romeoville/West Chicago/Homer Glen

Groundhog Shootout February 3 (SAT) Aurora/Romeoville/West Chicago/Homer Glen

Feb 03, 2024
West Chicago (IL), Aurora (IL), Homer Glen (IL), Romeoville (IL), West Chicago (IL)  West Chicago (IL), Aurora (IL), Homer Glen (IL), Romeoville (IL), West Chicago (IL) 
Boys & Girls


ONE DAY SHOOTOUTS are youth basketball tournaments for boys and girls ages 2nd thru 12th. Travel, school and feeder basketball programs are all welcome (A & B divisions). Registration deadline is 5 days prior to the tournament. These basketball tournaments sell out very quickly! Only 8 openings in each bracket (A or B) ... first-come, first-served!

  • 2 games
  • 'A' and 'B' divisions (and C if needed)
  • Games are scheduled every other hour
  • State-of-the-art facilities
  • Beautiful full-size basketball courts
  • Great concessions, TVs and WiFi
  • All referees are state certified
  • Multiple-team discounts



One Day Shootouts

(224) 764-1329


ARC Center- [1,2,3]

201 West National Street, West Chicago, Illinois 60185
Court 1, Court 2, Court 3

M14Hoops Academy

2414 Church Road, Aurora, Illinois 60505
1 - England, 2 - Bosnia, 3 - Germany, 4 - Rwanda, 5 - Spain, 6 - Argentina

MegaPlex Sports Center (MPX)

15301 South Bell Road, Homer Glen, Illinois 60491
Court 1, Court 2, Court 3, Court 4, Court 5

Romeoville Athletic & Event Center [1,2,9,10]

55 Phelps Avenue, Romeoville, Illinois 60446
Court 1, Court 2, Court 9, Court 10


250 West National Street, West Chicago, Illinois 60185
Court 1, Court 2

2nd Boys arrow_forward
ALL IN Raiders Blue 2nd/8U
Dunlap 2nd Grade Boys 2nd/8U
Eastside Elite 2-3rd/9U
2/3rd Boys Blue arrow_forward
DG Defenders 2nd/8U
Memorial Park Traveling Wildcats 3rd/9U
Midwest Bobcats 2/3 Boys 2-3rd/9U
3rd Boys arrow_forward
New Trier Travel 3 Black 3rd/9U
New Trier Travel 3 White 3rd/9U
OTE 3 White 3rd/9U
Wheaton Vipers White 3rd/9U
3rd Boys White arrow_forward
Little Boilers 3-4th/10U
New Trier Travel 3/4 White 3-4th/10U
New Trier Travel 4 Black 4th/10U
OTE 3 Burgundy 3rd/9U
3rd Boys Blue arrow_forward
Blazers 3rd/9U
BLUEprint Hoops EVOLVE 8U/9U 2-3rd/9U
Inferno White 3rd/9U
Midwest Bobcats 3/4 Boys 3-4th/10U
3rd Boys Red arrow_forward
ALL IN Raiders Black I 3rd/9U
No Mercy Inferno 3-4th/10U
NWI Hustle/Corns 3rd/9U
4th Boys arrow_forward
Hinsdale Inferno Black 4th/10U
La Grange Lions 4th/10U
M14Hoops 4th Black 2 4th/10U
Memorial Park Traveling Wildcats 4th/10U
Mokena Mavericks 3-4th/10U
4th Boys Blue arrow_forward
Glen Ellyn Ball Stars 4th/10U
Hinsdale Inferno Red 4th/10U
OTE 4 White 4th/10U
4th Boys White arrow_forward
Knocks Basketball 4th/10U
M14Hoops 4th Black 1 4th/10U
Orland Park Eagles 4th/10U
4th Boys Red arrow_forward
BLUEprint Hoops 2033 3rd/9U
Elmhurst Airborne Green 4th/10U
NWI Hustle/ Gonzalez 4th/10U
OTE 4 Burgundy 4th/10U
5th Boys arrow_forward
ALL IN Raiders Blue I 5th/11U
Batters Box Ballers 5th/11U
Carol Stream Panthers 5th/11U
HD 2031 White 5th grade 5th/11U
Lituanica 5 4-5th/11U
Westmont Wolverines 5th/11U
5th Boys Orange arrow_forward
Crown Point 5th BLUE 4-5th/11U
Knocks Basketball 5th/11U
M14Hoops 5th Black 3 5th/11U
M14Hoops 5th Red 1 5th/11U
No Mercy Mayhem 5th/11U
5th Boys Teal arrow_forward
ALL IN Raiders Black I 5th/11U
Breakaway Basketball WHITE 4 6th/12U
M14Hoops 5th Black 2 5th/11U
Paradise 5th White 5th/11U
5th Boys Blue arrow_forward
Breakaway Basketball WHITE 3 6th/12U
Crown Point 5th WHITE 5th/11U
Jr. Porters 5th/11U
RedHawks White 5-6th/12U
5th Boys White arrow_forward
Breakaway Basketball GOLD 5th/11U
Capital City Teamwork 5th/11U
Grinders Elite 4-5th/11U
5th Boys Red arrow_forward
Crown Point 5th RED 5th/11U
LAC Thunder Orange 5th/11U
M14Hoops 5th Black 1 5th/11U
Memorial Park Traveling Wildcats 5th/11U
6th Boys arrow_forward
Breakaway Basketball WHITE 3 7th/13U
Munster Red Team 6th/12U
Paradise 6th 6th/12U
St. Charles Grubich 6th/12U
6th Boys Teal arrow_forward
Breakaway Basketball WHITE 4 7th/13U
HD 2030 Orange 6th grade 6th/12U
M14Hoops 6th Red 1 6th/12U
6th Boys Blue arrow_forward
LW Xplosion - Quintero 6th 6th/12U
M14Hoops 6th Black 2 6th/12U
Orland Park Eagles 6th/12U
6th Boys White arrow_forward
Addison Blazers 6th/12U
M14Hoops 6th Black 3 6th/12U
Memorial Park Traveling Wildcats 6th/12U
St. Charles Halbach 6th/12U
6th Boys Red arrow_forward
Breakaway Basketball RED 6th/12U
Knocks Basketball 6th/12U
M14Hoops 6th Rising Gold 6th/12U
7th Boys arrow_forward
Breakaway Basketball WHITE 1 7th/13U
Eastside Elite 6-7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Red 2 7th/13U
Munster Basketball Club 7th/13U
7th Boys Yellow arrow_forward
Dawgs 7th/13U
Jr Knights-Lynch 7th/13U
Midwest Bobcats Boys White 7th/13U
OTE 7 White 7th/13U
The Victors 6-7th/13U
7th Boys Teal arrow_forward
Addison Blazers 7th/13U
Breakaway Basketball WHITE 2 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Red 1 7th/13U
6/7th Boys White arrow_forward
Breakaway Basketball GOLD 6th/12U
Breakaway Basketball GOLD 7th/13U
Jr. Porters 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Black 3 7th/13U
Splash Basketball Academy 6-7th/13U
7th Boys White arrow_forward
Huskies Hoops 7th/13U
Illinois Rockers 7th/13U
Paradise 7 White 7th/13U
7th Boys Red arrow_forward
M14Hoops 7th Rising Gold 7th/13U
NWI Hustle/Taylor 7th/13U
OTE 7 Burgundy 7th/13U
7/8th Boys Teal arrow_forward
Ballers United 7-8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Red 2 8th/14U
RedHawks Red 7-8th/14U
7/8th Boys Blue arrow_forward
Breakaway Basketball BLACK 2 8th/14U
Jr. Porters 7-8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Red 1 8th/14U
8th Boys Blue arrow_forward
M14Hoops 8th Black 3 8th/14U
Midwest Bobcats 8 Boys Blue 8th/14U
Paradise 8 White 8th/14U
Splash Basketball Academy 7-8th/14U
8th Boys White arrow_forward
Knocks Basketball 7-8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Black 1 8th/14U
SSCM 8th/14U
7/8th Boys White arrow_forward
Breakaway Basketball BLACK 1 8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Black 2 8th/14U
PSA Ballers 7-8th/14U
8th Boys Red arrow_forward
BIG3 Endicott 8th/14U
IL Rockets 8 White 8th/14U
Riverside Brookfield Bulldogs 8th Blue 8th/14U
8th Boys Black arrow_forward
ALL IN Jackson Blue 10th/16U
ALL IN Simmons 10th/16U
Breakaway Basketball GOLD 8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Rising Gold 8th/14U
PV Spartans 2028 8th/14U
HS Boys arrow_forward
ALL IN Jackson Black 11th/17U
Chargers 11-12th/18U
Springs Prep 18U
3rd Girls arrow_forward
ALL IN Raiders 4th/10U
Hinsdale Inferno Red 3rd/9U
M14Hoops Girls Black 2 4th/10U
4th Girls arrow_forward
Knocks Basketball 4th/10U
LockDown WATSON 4th/10U
LW Xplosion - Norberg 4th/10U
4/5th Girls Blue arrow_forward
LW-Wildcats - Buglio 5th/11U
Midwest Bobcats 4/5 Girls 4-5th/11U
Windy City Elite 4th/10U
5th Girls arrow_forward
Breakaway Basketball GOLD 5th/11U
LockDown BEATTIE 5th/11U
M14Hoops 4/5th Girls Black 1 4-5th/11U
OTE 5 Burgundy 5th/11U
OTE 5 White 5th/11U
6th Girls arrow_forward
Glen Ellyn Titans White 6th/12U
Kaneland Silver Stars - Burnett 6th/12U
Knocks Basketball 6th/12U
6th Girls Blue arrow_forward
Lady Legend 6th/12U
Midwest Bobcats 6th/12U
6th Girls White arrow_forward
M14Hoops 6th Girls Rising 3SSB 6th/12U
Schaefer 7th/13U
Windy City Elite 6th/12U
6th Girls Teal arrow_forward
Inferno 6GA 6th/12U
OTE 6 Navy 6th/12U
6th Girls Red arrow_forward
Dunlap Girls 6th Grade 6th/12U
LockDown BURGLAND 6th/12U
Schaumburg 7th/13U
7th Girls arrow_forward
M14Hoops 7th Girls Black 2 7th/13U
No Mercy Queens2 7th/13U
OTE 6 White 6th/12U
7th Girls Blue arrow_forward
Fremd White 7th/13U
Illinois Lady Elite 6-7th/13U
Schaumburg 8th/14U
6A-7th Girls arrow_forward
ALL IN Russell 7th/13U
LW Xplosion - Sudkamp 6th/12U
OTE 7 White 7th/13U
7/8th Girls White arrow_forward
Lituanica 7-8th/14U
M14Hoops 7th Girls Rising 3SSB 7th/13U
M14Hoops 8th Girls Red 1 8th/14U
Park Ridge Hawks 7th/13U
8th Girls Red arrow_forward
ALL IN Russell 8th/14U
LW Xplosion - Harper 7th/13U
M14Hoops 8th Girls Black 2 8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Girls Rising 3SSB 8th/14U
Windy City Elite 8th/14U
[# pool.fullLabel #]
[# if (hasPoolGames) #]
[# pool.hasPoolGames ? `
` : '' #]
[# endif #] [# pool.teams.map(team => dfGetTemplate('pool-team', { team })).join(''); #]
[# pool.teams.map(team => dfGetTemplate('pool-team-mobile', { team })).join(''); #]
[# team.schedule_name #] [# if (pool.hasPoolGames) #]
[# team.stats?.event?.win || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.lose || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.pd || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.pa || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.ps || '0' #]
[# team.stats.pool_place_formatted || '-' #]
[# endif #]
[# team.schedule_name #]
[# if (pool.hasPoolGames) #]
[# team.stats?.event?.win || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.lose || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.pd || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.pa || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.ps || '0' #]
[# team.stats.pool_place_formatted || '-' #]
[# endif #]

[# venue.name #] ([# venue.abbreviation #])

[# venue.streetAddress ? venue.streetAddress + ',' : '' #] [# venue.extendedAddress ? venue.extendedAddress + ',' : '' #] [# venue.city ? venue.city + ',' : '' #] [# venue.state.name ? venue.state.name + ' ' : '' #] [# venue.postalCode ? venue.postalCode : '' #]
[# game.formattedTime #],
[# game.location_name #]
([# game.court_name #])
[# game.teamA.schedule_name #]
[# if (game.teamAScore !== null) #]
[# game.teamAScore #]
[# else #]
[# game.teamA.season_win #] - [# game.teamA.season_lose #]
[# endif #]
[# game.teamB.schedule_name #]
[# if (game.teamBScore !== null) #]
[# game.teamBScore #]
[# else #]
[# game.teamB.season_win #] - [# game.teamB.season_lose #]
[# endif #]
[# if (game.forfeitTeamA || game.forfeitTeamB) #]
[# else #] [# game.final ? '
' : '' #] [# endif #]
[# game.formattedDay #]
[# game.formattedDate #]
[# if (game.calendarEvent) #] [# endif #]


[# if (pools.length) #]


[# pools.map(pool => dfGetTemplate('pool', { pool, hasPoolGames })).join(''); #]
[# endif #] [# if (division.venueIds.length) #]


[# division.venueIds.map(function (venueId) { var currentVenue; event.venues.map(function (venue) { if (venue.id === venueId) { currentVenue = venue; } }); return dfGetTemplate('venue', { venue: currentVenue }); }).join(''); #]
[# endif #] [# if (division.games.length) #]

Games ([# event.gamesTimeRange #])

[# division.games.map(function(game) { return dfGetTemplate('game', { game: game }); }).join(''); #]
[# endif #] [# if (division.division.useBracket) #]
[# endif #]

[# if (team.name) #][# team.team.name #][# endif #]

[# if (team.division.name) #][# team.division.name #][# endif #]
[# if (team.games.length) #]

Games ([# event.gamesTimeRange #])

[# team.games.map(function(game) { return dfGetTemplate('game', { game: game }); }).join(''); #]
[# endif #] [# if (team.division.useBracket) #]
[# endif #]