Event Boys Basketball Tournaments | Girls Basketball Tournaments

Spring Tip-off April 7 (SUN) Romeoville/Aurora

Spring Tip-off April 7 (SUN) Romeoville/Aurora

Apr 07, 2024
West Chicago (IL), Carol Stream (IL), Aurora (IL), Homer Glen (IL), West Chicago (IL)  West Chicago (IL), Carol Stream (IL), Aurora (IL), Homer Glen (IL), West Chicago (IL) 
Boys & Girls


ONE DAY SHOOTOUTS are youth basketball tournaments for boys and girls ages 2nd thru 12th. Travel, school and feeder basketball programs are all welcome (A & B divisions). Registration deadline is 5 days prior to the tournament. These basketball tournaments sell out very quickly! Only 8 openings in each bracket (A or B) ... first-come, first-served!

  • 2 games
  • 'A' and 'B' divisions (and C if needed)
  • Games are scheduled every other hour
  • State-of-the-art facilities
  • Beautiful full-size basketball courts
  • Great concessions, TVs and WiFi
  • All referees are state certified
  • Multiple-team discounts



One Day Shootouts

(224) 764-1329


ARC Center- [1,2,3]

201 West National Street, West Chicago, Illinois 60185
Court 1, Court 2, Court 3

Carol Stream PD - Fountain View Rec Center

910 N. Gary Avenue, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188
Court 1, Court 2, Court 3

M14Hoops Academy

2414 Church Road, Aurora, Illinois 60505
1 - England, 2 - Bosnia, 3 - Germany, 4 - Rwanda, 5 - Spain, 6 - Argentina

MegaPlex Sports Center (MPX)

15301 South Bell Road, Homer Glen, Illinois 60491
Court 1, Court 2, Court 3, Court 4, Court 5


250 West National Street, West Chicago, Illinois 60185
Court 1, Court 2

4th Boys arrow_forward
ALL IN Raiders Black II 3rd/9U
Knocks Basketball 3-4th/10U
Lituanica 4 3-4th/10U
4th Boys Red arrow_forward
ALL IN Raiders Black I 4th/10U
M14Hoops 4th Black 2 4th/10U
OTE 4 Burgundy 4th/10U
OTE 4 White 4th/10U
4/5th Boys Red arrow_forward
BLUEprint Hoops EVOLVE 10U 4th/10U
Illinois Raptors 4th/10U
M14Hoops 4th Black 1 4th/10U
5th Boys arrow_forward
ALL IN Raiders Black II 5th/11U
Lituanica 4 Green 4-5th/11U
M14Hoops 5th Black 2 5th/11U
RTG 5th Select 5th/11U
5th Boys Red arrow_forward
Lituanica 5 Green 5th/11U
M14Hoops 5th Black 1 5th/11U
QC Shockers 5th/11U
5/6th Boys White arrow_forward
Knocks Basketball 6th/12U
Lituanica 6 5-6th/12U
M14Hoops 6th Red 2 6th/12U
No Limit 5-6th/12U
OTE 6 White 6th/12U
6th Boys Blue arrow_forward
BLUEprint Hoops EVOLVE 11U 5-6th/12U
M14Hoops 6th Black 2 6th/12U
Team Fvv Powell 6th/12U
6th Boys Red arrow_forward
Fox Valley Force 6th/12U
M14Hoops 6th Black 1 6th/12U
M14Hoops 6th Rising Gold 6th/12U
MCGold6th 6th/12U
7th Boys arrow_forward
ILFSB 6-7th/13U
Knocks Basketball 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Black 3 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Red 2 7th/13U
7th Boys White arrow_forward
BLUEprint Hoops EVOLVE 12U 6-7th/13U
Bradley-Bourbonnais Little Boilers 7th 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Black 1 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Red 1 7th/13U
7th Boys Red arrow_forward
ILFSB 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Rising Gold 7th/13U
8th Boys White arrow_forward
Illinois Truth 7th/13U
Lituanica 7 7-8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Regional 2 8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Regional 3 8th/14U
8th Boys arrow_forward
Chicago Shockers 8-9th/15U
GSBS Black 8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Regional 4 8th/14U
8th Boys Red arrow_forward
M14Hoops 8th National 1 8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Regional 1 8th/14U
Palos Panthers 8th/14U
8/9th Boys Yellow arrow_forward
GSBS Blue 9th/15U
Knights 8-9th/15U
No Limit 8th/14U
9th Boys arrow_forward
Ball Elite 2027 9th/15U
M14Hoops 15U Regional 2 15 & Under
M14Hoops 8th Rising Gold 8th/14U
9th Boys Red arrow_forward
Indiana Game Regional 9th/15U
M14Hoops 15U Gold 15 & Under
No Limit 9th/15U
HS Boys Orange arrow_forward
Illinois Edge 10th/16U
Knights 9/10 9-10th/16U
M14Hoops 15U Regional 1 15 & Under
HS Boys Teal arrow_forward
Chi Rise Up 9-10th/16U
M14Hoops 15U National 2 15 & Under
Team Fvv Cox 9-10th/16U
HS Boys Purple arrow_forward
LW Warriors 9-10th/16U
M14Hoops 15U National 1 15 & Under
Motion Elite 15U 9-10th/16U
Team Elite 9-10th/16U
HS Boys Blue arrow_forward
GSBS White 10-11th/17U
M14Hoops 16U National 2 16 & Under
M14Hoops 16U National 3 16 & Under
Motion Elite 16U 10-11th/17U
OTE 10 10-11th/17U
HS Boys White arrow_forward
Bluesmoke 11th/17U
Knocks Basketball JV 10-11th/17U
M14Hoops 16U National 1 16 & Under
Motion Elite 17U 17 & Under
Next Generation 10-11th/17U
HS Boys Black arrow_forward
Illinois Bobcats 11-12th/18U
M14Hoops 17U National 2 17 & Under
Mambas 17 & Under
Team Elite 11-12th/18U
HS Boys Red arrow_forward
Bricked University 11-12th/18U
ILFSB 11-12th/18U
Knights 17u 11-12th/18U
M14Hoops 17U National 1 17 & Under
3/4th Girls arrow_forward
Chi Sky Academy 3-4th/10U
LockDown WATSON 4th/10U
OTE 3 Burgundy 3rd/9U
OTE 4 White 4th/10U
4/5th Girls Red arrow_forward
ALL IN Raiders 4-5th/11U
Chi Sky Academy 4-5th/11U
Chi Sky Academy 5th/11U
Knocks Basketball 4-5th/11U
5th Girls arrow_forward
Bolingbrook Panthers 4th/10U
M14Hoops 4th Black 1 4th/10U
OTE 4 Burgundy 4th/10U
5th Girls Red arrow_forward
IL Defenders Dunn 5th/11U
M14Hoops 5th Black 1 5th/11U
Rebels 5 Bechtold 5th/11U
Wolverinas 2031 5th/11U
5/6th Girls arrow_forward
ALL IN Staniec 6th/12U
Chi Sky Academy 5-6th/12U
LockDown CASTLE 5-6th/12U
6th Girls White arrow_forward
Gators 6th/12U
Knocks Basketball 6th/12U
Limitless 2030 Gold - Waples 6th/12U
6th Girls Red arrow_forward
GSBS White 6-7th/13U
M14Hoops 6th Black 1 6th/12U
OTE 6 Navy 6th/12U
7th Girls arrow_forward
ALL IN Staniec 7th/13U
Chi Sky Academy 7th/13U
LockDown BEATTIE 6-7th/13U
M14Hoops 6th Rising 3SSB 6th/12U
7/8th Girls arrow_forward
Chi Sky Academy 7-8th/14U
M14Hoops 7th Black 1 7th/13U
OTE 7 White 7th/13U
7/8th Girls Yellow arrow_forward
Chi Sky Academy Blue 14 & Under
GSBS Blue 7-8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Regional 2 8th/14U
7/8th Girls Red arrow_forward
ALL IN Staniec 8th/14U
Chi Sky Academy White 14 & Under
M14Hoops 8th Regional 1 8th/14U
7/8th Girls White arrow_forward
IL X-CITEMENT 7/8th 7-8th/14U
M14Hoops 7th Rising 3SSB 7th/13U
Wisconsin Lady Warriors 13/14u 7-8th/14U
8th Girls arrow_forward
Dragons 7-8th/14U
OTE 8 White 8th/14U
Rebel Girls Oudhuis 8th Grade 8th/14U
8/9th Girls arrow_forward
Chi Sky Academy 15 & Under
Limitless 2027/28 Gold - Squaglia 8-9th/15U
M14Hoops 8th National 1 8th/14U
Midwest Express 8-9th/15U
OTE 8 Burgundy 8th/14U
HS Girls Purple arrow_forward
Camels 9-10th/16U
Chi Sky Academy HS 9-10th/16U
LCGBC - Myszak 9-10th/16U
M14Hoops 15U Regional 2 15 & Under
HS Girls Teal arrow_forward
Chi Sky Academy Navy 16 & Under
M14Hoops 15U Regional 1 15 & Under
HS Girls Blue arrow_forward
Chi Sky Academy White 16 & Under
M14Hoops 15U National 1 15 & Under
M14Hoops 15U National 2 15 & Under
Tinley Storm 9-10th/16U
HS Girls White arrow_forward
BIG3 2026 Pam Red 10th/16U
GSBS White 10th/16U
M14Hoops 16U Regional 2 16 & Under
HS Girls Pink arrow_forward
BIG3 2026 Pam Grey 10th/16U
Chi Sky Academy Black 17 & Under
Lady Rebelz 11th/17U
M14Hoops 16U National 1 10th/16U
M14Hoops 16U Regional 1 16 & Under
HS Girls Red arrow_forward
Chi Sky Academy Gray 17 & Under
M14Hoops 16U National 2 16 & Under
M14Hoops 17U National 1 11th/17U
OTE 11 11-12th/18U
Region Rebels 10/11 Bechtold 10-11th/17U
[# pool.fullLabel #]
[# if (hasPoolGames) #]
[# pool.hasPoolGames ? `
` : '' #]
[# endif #] [# pool.teams.map(team => dfGetTemplate('pool-team', { team })).join(''); #]
[# pool.teams.map(team => dfGetTemplate('pool-team-mobile', { team })).join(''); #]
[# team.schedule_name #] [# if (pool.hasPoolGames) #]
[# team.stats?.event?.win || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.lose || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.pd || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.pa || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.ps || '0' #]
[# team.stats.pool_place_formatted || '-' #]
[# endif #]
[# team.schedule_name #]
[# if (pool.hasPoolGames) #]
[# team.stats?.event?.win || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.lose || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.pd || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.pa || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.ps || '0' #]
[# team.stats.pool_place_formatted || '-' #]
[# endif #]

[# venue.name #] ([# venue.abbreviation #])

[# venue.streetAddress ? venue.streetAddress + ',' : '' #] [# venue.extendedAddress ? venue.extendedAddress + ',' : '' #] [# venue.city ? venue.city + ',' : '' #] [# venue.state.name ? venue.state.name + ' ' : '' #] [# venue.postalCode ? venue.postalCode : '' #]
[# game.formattedTime #],
[# game.location_name #]
([# game.court_name #])
[# game.teamA.schedule_name #]
[# if (game.teamAScore !== null) #]
[# game.teamAScore #]
[# else #]
[# game.teamA.season_win #] - [# game.teamA.season_lose #]
[# endif #]
[# game.teamB.schedule_name #]
[# if (game.teamBScore !== null) #]
[# game.teamBScore #]
[# else #]
[# game.teamB.season_win #] - [# game.teamB.season_lose #]
[# endif #]
[# if (game.forfeitTeamA || game.forfeitTeamB) #]
[# else #] [# game.final ? '
' : '' #] [# endif #]
[# game.formattedDay #]
[# game.formattedDate #]
[# if (game.calendarEvent) #] [# endif #]


[# if (pools.length) #]


[# pools.map(pool => dfGetTemplate('pool', { pool, hasPoolGames })).join(''); #]
[# endif #] [# if (division.venueIds.length) #]


[# division.venueIds.map(function (venueId) { var currentVenue; event.venues.map(function (venue) { if (venue.id === venueId) { currentVenue = venue; } }); return dfGetTemplate('venue', { venue: currentVenue }); }).join(''); #]
[# endif #] [# if (division.games.length) #]

Games ([# event.gamesTimeRange #])

[# division.games.map(function(game) { return dfGetTemplate('game', { game: game }); }).join(''); #]
[# endif #] [# if (division.division.useBracket) #]
[# endif #]

[# if (team.name) #][# team.team.name #][# endif #]

[# if (team.division.name) #][# team.division.name #][# endif #]
[# if (team.games.length) #]

Games ([# event.gamesTimeRange #])

[# team.games.map(function(game) { return dfGetTemplate('game', { game: game }); }).join(''); #]
[# endif #] [# if (team.division.useBracket) #]
[# endif #]